Our Mission

We create and seek innovations for inspiring and promoting World Wide Peace embracing design through culture, individuality & technology completely.

TESLAR latest initiative for social responsibility and economic sustainability embraces a vision for change on a global scale. SHIFT2012 offers a practical pathway to move our generation into the beginning of an era of financial and peaceful stability.

From empowering our children to connecting organizations, governments, individuals, and resources for a more streamlined and collaborative approach to humanitarian work around the globe, SHIFT2012 builds a strong foundation for a cultural, economic, and global renaissance. SHIFT2012 is a visionary three-step action plan that uses viable and strategic resources that we now have at our disposal to turn human consciousness around to a model of abundance rather than scarcity, and in its regeneration, the achievement of world peace.

TESLAR aims to uphold the values and duty of our scientific practice by providing solutions that improve well-being, inspire and create a better world through safe, responsible advancements and product innovation. Our responsibilities are to a larger community extending far beyond our corporate boundaries.

Our customers, their clients, our employees, their families and the world we inhabit requires our vision to be steadfast and for our corporate vitality to endure to serve the greater good. We partner with businesses and organizations that uphold values of conscious capitalism, that ask the questions and afford the due diligence to assure shared work and success which evolves harmoniously within the global community: compelling equality, unconditional respect, social responsibility and the mindfulness that assures the footprint left on our journey sustains future generations.


Every organism has it's own composition of electrically charged cells that perform daily activities to keep the body functioning. Electrically charged cells create the body's electromagnetic signature. Your signature is a blueprint; no one is exactly like you. Strengthen the potential of your body's electromagnetic blueprint.

Our Mission

Every organism has it's own make up of electrically charged cells that preform daily activities to keep the body functioning. Electricaly charged cells create the body's electromagnetic signature. Your signature is a blueprint, no one is exactly like you. Strengthen the potential of your body's electromagnetic blueprint.. Read More .......

The Original TESLAR Chip

Invented in 1986, the chip puts TESLAR Tech inside the TESLAR wristwatch to help strengthen the bodys biofield.

The TESLAR watch, with TESLAR Tech inside, has become a hit among celebrities, watch enthusiasts and people in search of healthy lifestyles. TESLAR timepieces and bracelets are available at retail locations all over the world. Read More ...